- inews.co.uk
16 July 2023
Theories on socio-political evolution put to the test→
/- PHYS.org
24 June 2022
Mismatch of mindsets: why the Taliban won in Afghanistan→
/- The Guardian
24 September 2021
Is deference to supernatural beings present in infancy?→
/- University of Oxford
25 May 2021
Shared 'suffering' by fans of the worst Premier League teams creates 'strong social glue', study finds→
/- The Telegraph
20 January 2021
Fans of less successful football clubs are more loyal to one another→
/- University of Kent
19 January 2021
Unboxing Cultural Rituals: Christmas in Pandemic Times→
/- European Research Council
17 December 2020
Band of mothers: Childbirth as a female bonding experience→
/- University of Oxford
21 October 2020
Why do we miss the rituals put on hold by the COVID-19 pandemic?→
/- ScienceNews
August 14, 2020
The Ancient Rites That Gave Birth To Religion→
/- Nautilus
29 May 2019
Which came first: society or a fear of god?→
/- PBS News Hour
March 20, 2019
Complex societies existed before a belief in moralising gods→
/- Daily Mail
March 20, 2019
The God threshold: why societies don’t need a moral deity until they hit one million→
/- The Telegraph
March 20, 2019
Which Came First, God or Society, Scientists Think They Have an Answer→
/- Inverse.com
March 20, 2019
When Ancient Societies Hit a Million People, Vengeful Gods Appeared→
/- LiveScience.com
March 20, 2019
Humans Built Complex Societies Before They Invented Moral Gods→
/- Gizmodo.com
March 20, 2019
Big Religion May Have Gotten Too Much Credit for the Evolution of Modern Society→
/- Scientific American
March 20, 2019
What came first: all-seeing gods or large societies?→
/- The Economist
March 20, 2019